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Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 29(3): e11782023, 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534182


Resumo Trata-se de um estudo sobre a doença falciforme, enfermidade crônica que afeta muitas pessoas no Brasil. O objetivo foi compreender como as pessoas lidam com as adversidades oriundas do diagnóstico e a ruptura biográfica. A descrição das experiências e estratégias empregadas pelas pessoas compuseram um quadro que expressa os habitus dos entrevistados, construídos em relação dialética com a vulnerabilidade determinada pela doença. A abordagem foi qualitativa e empregou entrevistas focadas como propostas por Merton, a técnica bola de neve aplicada em grupos relacionados à doença falciforme em redes sociais. Sete participantes foram selecionados por serem informantes privilegiados, portadores da doença, maiores de 18 anos, moradores no Distrito Federal e usuários não exclusivos do Sistema Único de Saúde. O material das entrevistas foi categorizado a partir dos núcleos focais empregados. Os resultados apontaram as categorias: ruptura biográfica, experiência e estratégias de enfrentamento, atenção à saúde. Concluímos que é necessária uma sensibilização dos profissionais e da população sobre as dificuldades da condição de vida das pessoas com doença falciforme e a consolidação das políticas públicas e das redes de atendimento para acolher essa população.

Abstract This is a study on sickle cell disease, a chronic illness that affects many Brazilians, that aims to understand and analyze how people address the adversities arising from the diagnosis and the biographical rupture. The description of people's experiences and strategies conjures a picture that expresses the respondents' habitus, built in a dialectical relationship with the vulnerability determined by the disease. We adopted a qualitative approach and focused interviews as proposed by Merton, combined with the snowball technique, applied to groups related to sickle cell disease on social networks. Seven participants were selected because they were privileged informants with the disease, were over eighteen, lived in the Federal District, and were non-exclusive users of the Unified Health System. The interview material was categorized from the focal groups employed. The results indicated the following categories: biographical rupture, experience and coping strategies, and healthcare. It is necessary to sensitize professionals and the population about the challenging living conditions of people with sickle cell disease and the consolidation of public policies and care networks to accommodate this population.

Dental press j. orthod. (Impr.) ; 29(1): e2423133, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1550224


ABSTRACT Objective: This study aimed to assess the frequency with which orthodontic patients decided to shift to another type of orthodontic appliance, among conventional metal brackets, ceramic brackets, lingual brackets and clear aligner, based on their personal experiences of pain, ulcers, bad breath, hygiene issues and social difficulties. Material and Methods: This study comprises of patients seeking orthodontic treatment. The sample (n = 500; age group = 19-25 years) was divided equally into four groups based on the treatment modality: conventional metal brackets, ceramic brackets, lingual brackets and clear aligner. Patients rated the questionnaire using a visual analogue scale, to assess variables (such as pain, ulcer etc) that impact various treatment modalities. Subsequently, patients from all groups provided feedback regarding their treatment experiences, and expressed their preference for an alternative modality. Intergroup comparison among the four groups was done using one-way analysis of variance with Tukey's HSD post-hoc test (p ≤ 0.05). Results: Patients who received lingual brackets reported higher levels of pain and ulceration, as compared to those who received clear aligners. All four groups showed statistically significant differences for ulcers during treatment (p ≤ 0.05). Of the 125 patients who received conventional metal brackets, 28% expressed a preference for clear aligner therapy, while 20% preferred ceramic brackets. In the lingual group, 56% of 125 patients preferred clear aligner therapy, and 8% preferred ceramic brackets to complete their treatment. In the ceramic group, 83% did not want to switch, whereas 17% desired to switch to clear aligner, while in aligner group no patient desired to switch. Conclusions: A higher percentage of patients from lingual brackets group chose to shift to clear aligners, followed by conventional metal brackets group and by ceramic brackets group, in this descending order. The clear aligner group demonstrated fewer issues than the other treatment modalities.

RESUMO Objetivo: Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a frequência com que pacientes ortodônticos decidiram mudar para outro tipo de aparelho ortodôntico, entre braquetes convencionais de metal, braquetes cerâmicos, braquetes linguais e alinhadores transparentes, com base em suas experiências pessoais de dor, aftas, mau hálito, problemas de higiene e dificuldades sociais. Material e Métodos: Esse estudo foi composto por pacientes que procuram tratamento ortodôntico. A amostra (n = 500; faixa etária = 19-25 anos) foi dividida igualmente em quatro grupos, com base na modalidade de tratamento: braquetes metálicos convencionais, braquetes cerâmicos, braquetes linguais e alinhadores transparentes. Os pacientes responderam a um questionário, usando uma escala visual analógica, para avaliar variáveis como dor e aftas, que impactam diferentes modalidades de tratamento. Posteriormente, os pacientes de todos os grupos forneceram feedback sobre suas experiências de tratamento e expressaram sua preferência por uma modalidade alternativa. A comparação intergrupos entre os quatro grupos foi feita usando análise de variância unidirecional com teste post-hoc HSD de Tukey (p ≤ 0,05). Resultados: Os pacientes que usaram braquetes linguais relataram níveis mais elevados de dor e aftas, em comparação com aqueles que usaram alinhadores transparentes. Todos os quatro grupos apresentaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas para aftas durante o tratamento (p ≤ 0,05). Dos 125 pacientes que usaram braquetes metálicos convencionais, 28% expressaram preferência pelo tratamento com alinhadores transparentes, enquanto 20% preferiram braquetes cerâmicos. No grupo com braquetes linguais, 56% dos 125 pacientes preferiram o tratamento com alinhadores transparentes e 8% preferiram braquetes cerâmicos para completar o tratamento. No grupo com braquetes cerâmicos, 83% não queriam trocar de tratamento, enquanto 17% desejavam mudar para os alinhadores transparentes; enquanto no grupo de alinhadores nenhum paciente desejou mudar. Conclusões: Uma porcentagem maior de pacientes do grupo com braquetes linguais optou pela mudança para alinhadores transparentes, seguido pelo grupo com braquetes metálicos convencionais e pelo grupo com braquetes cerâmicos, em ordem decrescente. O grupo de alinhadores transparentes demonstrou menos problemas do que as outras modalidades de tratamento.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550961


Introducción: La Organización Panamericana de la Salud refiere que a nivel mundial pocos son los países que aplican el contacto piel con piel cuando lo realizan es por un tiempo inadecuado a pesar de los múltiples beneficios para la madre y el recién nacido. Objetivo: Describir la aplicación del contacto piel con piel desde la experiencia del equipo de salud en un centro materno infantil del sector público en Perú. Métodos: Investigación cualitativa con diseño descriptivo, de tipo estudio de caso, en una muestra no probabilística de 10 integrantes del equipo de salud, elegidos por conveniencia y determinado por saturación y redundancia. Los datos se recolectaron a través de la entrevista semiestructurada en línea. La información se procesó de manera manual, mediante el análisis de contenido temático. Resultados: Se obtuvieron tres categorías: a) aplicación del contacto piel con piel en la atención inmediata del recién nacido, b) estrategias implementadas para la aplicación del contacto piel con piel y c) barreras afrontadas por el equipo de salud para aplicar el contacto piel con piel. Conclusiones: Desde la experiencia del personal de salud, es posible aplicar el contacto pial a piel previa capacitación y sensibilización al equipo de salud, y acondicionamiento del ambiente, a fin de implementarlo como política del establecimiento de salud.

Introduction: The Pan American Health Organization reports that few countries worldwide apply skin-to-skin contact and when they use it is during an inadequate amount of time despite the multiple benefits for the mother and the newborn. Objective: To describe the application of skin-to-skin contact from the experience of the health team in a public maternal and child center in Peru. Methods: A qualitative research with a descriptive design, case study, was carried out in a non-probabilistic sample of 10 members of the health team, chosen by convenience and determined by saturation and redundancy. Data were collected through semi-structured online interviews. The information was processed manually, through thematic content analysis. Results: Three categories were obtained: a) application of skin-to-skin contact in the immediate care of the newborn, b) strategies implemented for the application of skin-to-skin contact, and c) barriers faced by the health team to apply skin-to-skin contact. Conclusions: From the experience of health personnel, it is possible to apply skin-to-skin contact after training and sensitization to the health team and conditioning of the environment, in order to implement it as a policy of the health facility.

Psicol. USP ; 352024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1537759


Partindo de uma articulação entre a psicanálise e a fenomenologia de Merleau-Ponty, o objetivo deste artigo é traçar um caminho na psicanálise para uma noção de experiência. A experiência, seja pensada a partir de problemáticas levantadas pela psicanálise contemporânea, mais especificamente no que concerne aos estados limites, seja a partir da fenomenologia, não pertence a um sujeito, mas comporta uma abertura para o mundo. Com base em certas noções e interpretações de diferentes autores na psicanálise, buscam-se caminhos que permitam alcançar um deslocamento de uma posição idealista ou objetivista. Seguindo as indicações de Winnicott, três eixos são destacados como hipóteses centrais para definir a experiência: a corporeidade, o tempo e o sentido. Por fim, propõe-se um questionamento sobre a possibilidade de conceber a experiência como um conceito para a psicanálise contemporânea

By articulating psychoanalysis and Merleau-Ponty's phenomenology, this article traces a possible path towards a notion of experience. Experience, whether based on the problems raised by contemporary psychoanalysis (limit states) or on phenomenology, does not belong to a subject; rather, it includes an opening to the world. Based on certain notions and interpretations by different authors in psychoanalysis, we sought paths that allow a shift from an idealistic or objectivist position. Following Winnicott's propositions, we highlight three axes as central hypotheses to define experience: corporeality, time, and sense. Finally, we question whether experience can be conceived as a concept for contemporary psychoanalysis

En articulant la psychanalyse et la phénoménologie de Merleau-Ponty, cet article trace un chemin en psychanalyse vers une notion d'expérience. L'expérience, qu'elle soit fondée sur les problèmes soulevés par la psychanalyse contemporaine (états limites) ou sur la phénoménologie, n'appartient pas à un sujet, mais comporte une ouverture au monde. Basé sur certaines notions et interprétations de différents auteurs en psychanalyse, on cherche des voies permettant le passage d'une position idéaliste ou objectiviste. Suivant les propositions de Winnicott, trois axes sont mis en évidence comme hypothèses centrales pour définir l'expérience: la corporéité, le temps et le sens. Enfin, on discute de la possibilité de concevoir l'expérience comme un concept pour la psychanalyse contemporaine

Partiendo de una articulación entre el psicoanálisis y la fenomenología de Merleau-Ponty, el objetivo del artículo es trazar un posible camino en el psicoanálisis hacia una noción de experiencia. La experiencia, ya sea basada en los problemas planteados por el psicoanálisis contemporáneo, más específicamente con respecto a los estados límite, o basada en la fenomenología, no pertenece a un sujeto, sino que incluye una apertura al mundo. A partir de ciertas nociones e interpretaciones de diferentes autores en el psicoanálisis, buscamos formas que permitan lograr un cambio desde una posición idealista u objetivista. Siguiendo las indicaciones de Winnicott, se destacan tres ejes como hipótesis centrales para definir la experiencia: corporalidad, tiempo y sentido. Finalmente, se hace una pregunta sobre la posibilidad de concebir la experiencia como un concepto para el psicoanálisis contemporáneo

Philosophy , Psychoanalysis
Acta Medica Philippina ; : 1-12, 2024.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006501


Objectives@#PhilHealth’s present health benefit scheme is largely centered on in-patient services. This inadvertently incentivizes hospital admissions for increased access to benefit coverage. To address this problem, this study proposes a costing method to comprehensively finance outpatient care. The objective of this paper is to estimate an annual primary care benefit package (PCBP) cost based on experience analysis (actual benefit usage) on the first year of implementation at an urban pilot site. @*Methods@#A cost analysis was conducted to assess a disease-agnostic primary care benefit package for an urban outpatient government facility over the first year of implementation. Costing information was gathered through staff interviews, accounting documents, and usage data from the electronic health records system available on-site. @*Results@#The annual primary care cost was defined as the estimated financial coverage for eligible employees and their eligible dependents (n=15,051). The annual utilization rate for consultations was reported at 51%. Of patients who consulted, approximately 38% accessed free available diagnostic procedures and 48% availed of free available medicines. Based on these usage rates, the annual primary care cost for the first year was computed at PhP 403.22 per capita. @*Conclusion@#Our study shows that on the first year of coverage in a government run urban outpatient facility, an allocation of PhP 403.22 per capita can allow coverage for a disease-agnostic package (comprehensive); this amount excludes out-of-pocket expenses incurred by the target population of this study. This amount is feasible only when coopted with opportunistic registration, reduction of untargeted check-ups, prior contextual community engagement, and streamlining of patient-transactions through an electronic health record (EHR).

Healthcare Financing , Costs and Cost Analysis , Primary Health Care
Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine ; (12): 139-143, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005361


Based on the theory of ti (character, 体) and yong (function, 用) in mental illness, ZHAO Yonghou's clinical experience in staged differentiation and treatment of schizophrenia is summarized. According to the theory, the core disease location of schizophrenia is in the brain, which is closely related to the organs, qi, and blood. It is proposed to interpret the pathogenesis of schizophrenia from the perspective of “zang-fu organs-qi and blood-brain and spirit”, that is, dysfunction of the zang-fu organs, disharmony of qi and blood, and malnourishment of the brain ti lead to dysfunction of the spirit ti and yong. In clinical practice, treatment of schizophrenia can be divided into four stages, for which the method of treating ti and yong simultaneously is suggested. In the prodromal stage, Liuwei Dihuang Decoction combined with Sini San (六味地黄汤合四逆散) with modifications is used to nourish the kidney and boost marrow, soothe the liver and rectify the spleen. For acute exacerbation with binding of phlegm and heat syndrome, Zhaoshi Yikuang Decoction (赵氏抑狂汤) with modifications is used to clear heat and dispel phlegm, awaken the brain and calm the mind. For phlegm-heat damaging yin pattern, Mengshi Guntan Pill combined with Zengye Decoction (礞石滚痰丸合增液汤) with modifications is used to clear heat and dispel phlegm, enrich yin and calm the mind. For the chronic treatment stage, Yudian Decoction (愈癫汤) with modifications is used to disperse phlegm and dissolve stasis, move qi and awaken the mind. For the rehabilitation and regulation stage, Shenan Pill (神安丸) with modifications is used to boost qi and nourish yin, and tranquilize the mind.

Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine ; (12): 134-138, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005360


This paper summarized the clinical experience of CHEN Tongyun in the treatment of postinflammatory dyspigmentation with the method of unblocking and nourishing qi and blood. It is believed that the core pathogenesis of this disease is poor qi movement and skin blood stasis, for which the method of unblocking and nourishing qi and blood should be used. Postinflammatory pigmentation on the face is mainly caused by qi stagnation and blood stasis, and it is suggested to regulate liver and spleen, move qi and invigorate blood usually with modified Tonghua Decoction (通化汤). Postinflammatory hypopigmentation is mainly due to qi and blood depletion, for which the treatment should be fortifying the spleen and strengthening kidney, replenishing qi and generating blood, and modified Yangfu Decoction (养复汤) is commonly used. Simultaneously, medicinals of ascending and descending functions, moving qi and blood, warming yang and nourishing yin should be combined, and the results from modern pharmacological research should be considered.

Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine ; (12): 31-34, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005106


This paper summarized PENG Qinghua's clinical experience in treating dry eye by applying therapeutic method of maintaining with sweet medicinals and restoring the body fluids. It is believed that the spleen earth insufficiency and fluids damage transforming into dryness are the main pathogenesis of the disease, and the basic therapeutic principle is maintaining with the sweet and restoring the body fluids by mainly using sweet medicines. It is advocated to use mild-sweet herbs, such as Baibiandou (Lablab purpureus subsp. purpureus), Fuling (Smilax glabra Roxb.), and Yiyiren (Coix lacryma-jobi L.), to transport spleen earth, so that qi is restored and body fluids are recovered; moderate-sweet herbs, such as Dangshen (Codonopsis pilosula [Franch.] Nannf.), Taizishen (Pseudostellaria heterophylla [Miq.] Pax), Shanyao (Dioscorea oppositifolia L.) and Zhigancao (Glycyrrhiza glabra L.) are suggested to cultivate earth and generate metal, so as to move qi and circulate fluid; sweet-cool herbs, such as Nanshashen (Adenophora triphylla [Thunb.] A.DC.), Beishashen (Glehnia littoralis [A.Gray] F.Schmidt ex Miq.), Yuzhu (Polygonatum odoratum [Mill.] Druce), Tianhuafen (Trichosanthes kirilowii Maxim.) are suggested to nourish yin and increase body fluids, so as to promote fluid production to moisten dryness. In this way, when the source of fluid is restored and the fluid is circulated, the fluid can be produced continuously, which provides new ideas for the treatment of dry eyes with traditional Chinese medicine.

Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine ; (12): 26-30, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005105


This article summarized the clinical experience of Professor LIN Yi in applying the idea of disease-syndrome-syptom combination to the differentiation and treatment of breast cancer in consolidation phase. It is believed that the fundamental pathogenesis of breast cancer in consolidation phase is deficiency of healthy qi, so the treatment should emphasize on reinforcing healthy qi as the main and eliminating pathogen as the supplement. Commonly, Sijunzi Decoction (四君子汤), Shenling Baizhu Powder (参苓白术散), and Liuwei Dihuang Decoction (六味地黄汤) are used as the basic formula to strengthen the spleen and kidney to reinforce healthy qi, and Baihua Sheshe Cao (Scleromitrion diffusum [Willd.] R.J.Wang), Yiyiren (Coix lacryma-jobi L.), and ezhu (Curcuma aromatica Salisb.) are used to eliminate cancer toxin. It is also believed that the biological characteristics of different molecular subtypes of breast cancer are of great significance to the syndrome differentiation and treatment in traditional Chinese medicine, therefore, the formulas used in clinical practice are often selected taking into considerations of molecular subtypes of breast cancer. For those with positive sex hormone receptor, the most important thing is to replenish the congenital and benefit kidney essence, with modified Baihua Qiqi Decoction (白花芪杞汤); for those with negative sex hormone receptor, the first step is to strengthen spleen and replenish kidneys, and it is especially important to strengthen the spleen with Baihua Qiling Decoction (白花芪苓汤). At the same time, it is suggested that the primary and the secondary symptoms of patients should be differentiated, and the diseases and symptoms, as well as the modern medical laboratory indicators should be combined to give suitable medication.

Chinese Journal of Experimental Traditional Medical Formulae ; (24): 276-285, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-999185


The development and application of processing technology is closely related to the quality of Chinese medicine. Currently, Chinese medicine processing is still in the mechanization stage with limited processing equipment, low levels of automation and intelligence. As a result, the imprecise control of parameters during processing leads to unstable quality of Chinese herbal pieces. However, with the arrival of the big data era and the continuous development of "Internet+", Chinese medicine processing technology and equipment have been continuously improved and updated, and gradually shifted to the development direction of automation and intelligence. The linkage production technology of Chinese herbal pieces optimizes the separate processing equipment coupling into the production line for continuous manufacture of Chinese herbal pieces, intending to improve production efficiency. The large-scale industrialized production of Chinese herbal pieces tends towards digital technology of processing experience and online inspection technology based on machine vision, electronic nose, and electronic tongue. These technologies are crucial prerequisites for standardizing the parameters of Chinese medicine processing. And further by docking the processing process and equipment with the internet, realizing the intelligent control of the production process is an important process for the transformation and upgrading of Chinese herbal piece industry in the future. In this paper, we summarized the development characteristics of different stages of Chinese medicine processing technology, combed application and development of processing theory, the evolution of processing equipment, and problems in the current industrial development stage of Chinese medicine processing, in order to provide ideas and methods for achieving digital and intelligent innovation of processing technology as well as high-efficient and high-quality production of Chinese herbal pieces.

Entramado ; 19(2)dic. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534443


En la modernidad, la reflexión moral ha estado influida por orientaciones fundamentadas en la razón y en el sentimiento. Dos ejemplares de estas orientaciones son la Ilustración y el Romanticismo, respectivamente. El desarrollo de estos movimientos culturales e intelectuales está asociado a las demandas por los derechos políticos y sociales, junto a la insistencia en la importancia de la solidaridad y la hermandad en el desarrollo de las comunidades. Este artículo de reflexión presenta una perspectiva interpretativa del concepto de religión de Max Scheler La reflexión está enfocada en las raíces románticas de la propuesta Scheleriana, derivadas de la discusión moderna entre el Racionalismo y el Romanticismo. Adicionalmente, se presenta el contexto político y social al que responde la conceptualización de Scheler: Como resultado de esta reflexión, se concluye que el concepto de religión de Scheler reivindica la importancia de los valores y el compromiso moral frente a las crisis políticas que sufrió Europa a inicios del siglo XX.

In modernity moral reflection has been influenced by orientations grounded in reason and in feeling. Two exemplars of these orientations are the Enlightenment and Romanticism, respectively The development of these cultural and intellectual movements is associated with demands for social and political rights, together with the insistence in the importance of solidarity and brotherhood in the development of communities. This reflection paper presents an interpretative perspective of Max Scheler's concept of religion. The reflection is focused on the romantic roots of the Schelerian proposal, derived from the modern discussion between Rationalism and Romanticism. Additionally the political and social context to which Scheler's conceptualization responds is presented. As a result of this reflection, it is concluded that Scheler's concept of religion claims the importance of values and moral commitment against Europe's political crises at the beginning of the 20th century.

Na modernidade, a reflexão moral foi influenciada por orientações baseadas na razão e no sentimento. Dois exemplos dessas orientações são o Iluminismo e o Romantismo, respectivamente. O desenvolvimento desses movimentos culturais e intelectuais está associado a demandas por direitos políticos e sociais, juntamente com a insistência na importância da solidariedade e da fraternidade no desenvolvimento das comunidades. Este artigo de reflexão apresenta uma perspectiva interpretativa sobre o conceito de religião de Max Scheler O foco da reflexão são as raízes românticas da abordagem scheleriana, derivadas da discussão moderna entre racionalismo e romantismo. Além disso, é apresentado o contexto político e social ao qual a conceitualização de Scheler responde. Como resultado dessa reflexão, conclui-se que o conceito de religião de Scheler reivindica a importância dos valores e do compromisso moral diante das crises políticas sofridas pela Europa no início do século XX.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528260


El objetivo de la investigación fue analizar el desarrollo del currículum en los últimos años y la didáctica que utilizan profesores de Educación Física en una región del centro sur de Chile. La metodología del estudio es de tipo cualitativa, a través de entrevistas a docentes con al menos cinco años de permanencia en el sistema educacional. Los resultados dan cuenta de que los profesores abordan el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje analizando el contexto en que están inmersos. Al momento de planificar sus clases se apoyan en las bases curriculares dispuestas por el Ministerio de Educación y las características de los estudiantes. Se concluye que, respecto a los desafíos actuales, buscan llevar a la práctica un modelo constructivista, procurando que el estudiante sea parte del proceso educativo, tomando en cuenta su integridad y bienestar. Asimismo, se espera que el currículum incorpore las problemáticas actuales que emergen en la sociedad.

The objective was to analyze the curriculum development and the didactics used by Physical Education teachers in recent years in a region of south-central Chile. The methodology of the study is qualitative, in which interviews were conducted with teachers with at least 5 years of permanence in the educational system. The results show that teachers approach the teaching-learning process by analyzing the context in which they are immersed. When planning their classes, they rely on the curricular bases established by the Ministry of Education and the characteristics of the students. Regarding current challenges, they seek to implement a constructivist model, making the student part of the educational process, taking into account their integrity and well-being. It is also hoped that the curriculum can incorporate the current problems emerging in society.

O objetivo foi analisar o desenvolvimento do currículo nos últimos anos e a didática utilizada pelos professores de Educação Física em uma região do centro-sul do Chile. A metodologia do estudo é qualitativa, em que foram realizadas entrevistas com professores com no mínimo 5 anos de permanência no sistema educacional. Os resultados mostram que os professores abordam o processo de ensino-aprendizagem analisando o contexto em que estão inseridos. Ao planejar suas aulas, eles se baseiam nas bases curriculares estabelecidas pelo Ministério da Educação e nas características dos alunos. Conclui-se que, face aos desafios atuais, procuram implementar um modelo construtivista, tornando o aluno parte do processo educativo, tendo em conta a sua integridade e bem-estar. Da mesma forma, espera-se que o currículo incorpore os problemas atuais que surgem na sociedade.

RECIIS (Online) ; 17(4): 850-866, out.-dez. 2023.
Article in English | LILACS, ColecionaSUS | ID: biblio-1531979


Low user engagement in m-Health applications has been driving the use of retention techniques that aim to ensure a satisfactory long-term user experience. The aim was to understand the experience of hypertensive patients interacting with a mobile health application for 12 months. A qualitative/exploratory study was conducted after 12 months, with the same experimental group of participants as the non-randomized con-trolled clinical trial conducted in 2019. The mean age of the 16 participants was 57 years (SD=8), of which11 were female. All had low socioeconomic and educational levels. Content analysis showed no engagement with the m-health app over time. The main factors contributing to the lack of engagement were; inability of the user to use the app, lack of support and technical problems. When designing m-Health interventions, it is important to understand users' behavioral characteristics, motivations for treatment, level of involve-ment in health care, and ability to use technology

O baixo envolvimento dos usuários em aplicativos m-Health vem impulsionando o uso de técnicas de retenção que visam garantir uma experiência do usuário (UX) satisfatória a longo prazo. Objetivou-se compreender a experiência de pacientes hipertensos interagindo com um aplicativo de saúde móvel (m-Health) durante 12 meses. Realizou-se estudo qualitativo/exploratório após 12 meses, com o mesmo grupo experimental de participantes do ensaio-clínico controlado e não-randomizado realizado em 2019. A idade média dos 16 participantes foi de 57 anos (DP=8); 11 eram do sexo feminino, com baixos níveis socioeconômicos e educacionais. A análise de conteúdo não mostrou nenhum envolvimento ao longo do tempo usando o aplicativo m-Health. Os principais fatores que contribuíram para a falta de envolvimento foram: incapacidade do usuário de usar o aplicativo, falta de suporte e problemas técnicos. Ao propor intervenções que utilizem m-Health, é essencial conhecer características comportamentais dos usuários, motivações para o tratamento, nível de envolvimento nos cuidados com a saúde e sua capacidade de usar tecnologias

La baja participación de los usuarios en las aplicaciones de m-Health ha impulsado el uso de técnicas de retención que tienen como objetivo garantizar una experiencia de usuario satisfactoria a largo plazo. Se pretendió comprender la experiencia de pacientes hipertensos interactuando con una aplicación de salud móvil durante 12 meses. Se realizó un estudio cualitativo/exploratorio después de 12 meses, utilizando los participantes del ensayo clínico controlado no aleatorizado que se llevó a cabo en 2019. La edad media de los 16 participantes fue 57 años (SD=8); 11 mujeres, con niveles socioeconómicos y educativos bajos. El análisis de contenido no mostró compromiso a lo largo del tiempo utilizando la aplicación m-Health. Los principales factores contribuyentes fueron: incapacidad del usuario para utilizar la aplicación, falta de apoyo y problemas técnicos. Cuando se proponen intervenciones con m-Health, es esencial conocer las características de comportamiento de los usuarios, sus motivaciones para el tratamiento, nivel de implicación en el cuidado de la salud y capacidad para utilizar tecnologías

Humans , Telemedicine , Mobile Applications , Health Services Accessibility , Patients , Diversity, Equity, Inclusion , Hypertension
RECIIS (Online) ; 17(4): 938-961, out.-dez. 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, ColecionaSUS | ID: biblio-1532365


Apresentamos e discutimos a construção de um instrumento de compliance para tratamento de dados pessoais e dados pessoais sensíveis do Núcleo Telessaúde UFSC, com base na Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados Pessoais. Trata-se da elaboração de diretrizes para um Relatório de Impacto à Proteção de Dados Pessoais visando à preservação da dimensão humana do dado e à preservação de direitos. A pesquisa foi qualitativa e exploratória, tendo o relato de experiência como metodologia. O levantamento bibliográfico e a análise documental permitiram a investigação, realizada em 2022, de processos, etapas e fluxos do tratamento dos dados. A análise dos dados foi qualitativa, por comparação dos resultados com a legislação vigente e com a adequação ao princípio da autodeterminação informativa. Os resultados demonstraram que as propostas para o relatório contribuíram para um tratamento de dados mais adequado ao ordenamento jurídico e, consequentemente, mais humanizado

We present and discuss the construction of a compliance instrument for the processing of personal data and sensitive personal data of the Telessaúde UFSC Center, based on the General Data Protection Law. It is a model for the elaboration of guidelines for the construction of an Impact Report on the Protection of Personal Data that collaborates to the preservation of the human dimension of data and the preserva-tion of rights. The research was qualitative and exploratory, adopting experience report as methodology. Bibliographical research and documental analysis enabled the investigation of the processes, stages and flows of data processing, carried out in 2022. Data analysis was carried out qualitatively, comparing the results with current legislation and adequacy to the principle of informative self-determination. Results showed that the proposed guidelines for the report contributed to a data processing more appropriate to the legal system and, consequently, more humanized

Presentamos y discutimos la construcción de un instrumento de cumplimiento para el tratamiento de datos personales y datos personales sensibles del Núcleo Telessaúde UFSC, con base en la Ley General de Pro-tección de Datos. Es la preparación de directrices para un Informe de Impacto de Protección de Datos Per-sonales para preservación de la dimensión humana de los datos y preservar los derechos. La investigación cualitativa y exploratoria adoptó un relato de experiencia como metodología. El levantamiento bibliográfico y el análisis documental permitieron la indagación de procesos, etapas y flujos de procesamiento de datos, realizados en 2022. El análisis de datos fue cualitativa, mediante la comparación de los resultados con la legislación vigente y la adecuación al principio de autodeterminación informativa. Los resultados mostra-ron que las directrices propuestas para el informe contribuyó a un tratamiento de datos más adecuado al ordenamiento jurídico y, en consecuencia, más humano

Humans , Telemedicine , Privacy , Bibliography , Qualitative Research , Health Services
Subj. procesos cogn. ; 27(2): 31-63, dic. 12, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1519053


Busca-se discutir a relação da Experiência de Quase Morte (EQM) a partir dos conceitos junguianos, particularmentea Individuação e a Espiritualidade. Pretende-se ainda, explorar possíveis relações entre a memória da EQM e Neuropsicologia, analisando o arquétipo psicóide e possíveis relações entre ele e a memória episódica, procurando-se possibilidades viáveis de pesquisas exploratórias que possam trazer maiores esclarecimentos na relação entre a experiência de quase morte, o conceito do psicóide da Psicologia analítica de C. G. Jung e a memória episódica tratada em neuropsicologia AU

We seek to discuss the relationship of the Near Death Experience (NDE) from the Jungian concepts, particularly Individuation and Spirituality. It is also intended to explore possible relationships between NDE memory and Neuropsychology, analyzing the psychoid archetype and possible relationships between it and episodic memory, looking for viable possibilities for exploratory research that can bring further clarification on the relationship between the experience of almost death, the psychoid concept from C. G. Jung's Analytical Psychology and the episodic memory treated in neuropsychology AU

Humans , Male , Female , Attitude to Death , Interviews as Topic , Memory, Episodic , Spirituality , Jungian Theory , Neuropsychology
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 28(11): 3383-3394, nov. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520643


Abstract The aim is to present validity evidence of the Brazilian-Portuguese Recovery Experience Questionnaire (REQ-PB) by applying a procedure to decentering cross-cultural scales translation and adaptation. First, we had a phase with bilingual experts, which assessed different criteria of translation quality. In sequence, we conducted the replication of the original research to achieve validity indicators in the Brazilian context. We carried out both Confirmatory Factor Analysis (to find structural validity indicators) and correlations with various external variables (to find convergent validity indicators). Step 1 showed promising results of decentering translation. In step 2 participated 164 workers and the CFA confirmed the four-factor model: psychological detachment from work, relaxation, mastery experience, and control over leisure time. The convergent validity showed a significant correlation with external variables. The REQ-PB showed adequate psychometric properties and may explain and compare empirical evidence of the recovery topic. We concluded that we have a good quality scale to be used in future research and integrated with other constructs to support interventions.

Resumo O objetivo é apresentar evidências da validade do Questionário de Experiência de Restauro em português brasileiro (REQ-PB) por meio da aplicação de um procedimento de descentralização para tradução e adaptação de escalas transculturais. Inicialmente, tivemos uma fase com especialistas bilíngues que avaliaram a qualidade da tradução utilizando diferentes critérios. Na sequência, realizamos a replicação da pesquisa original para alcançar os indicadores de validade no contexto brasileiro. Efetuamos tanto a análise fatorial confirmatória (para encontrar indicadores de validade estrutural) quanto correlações com variáveis externas (para encontrar indicadores de validade convergentes). O passo 1 mostrou resultados promissores na tradução descentralizada. No passo 2, participaram 164 trabalhadores e a análise fatorial confirmatória confirmou o modelo de quatro fatores: distanciamento psicológico do trabalho, relaxamento, experiência de domínio e controle do tempo livre. A validade convergente mostrou uma correlação significativa com variáveis externas. O REQ-PB mostrou propriedades psicométricas adequadas capazes de explicar e comparar evidências empíricas do tópico de restauro. Em resumo, a escala pode ser utilizada em pesquisas futuras e integrada aoutros construtos para orientar intervenções.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 28(9): 2489-2500, Sept. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1505960


Resumo O objetivo deste artigo é analisar o conteúdo da produção qualitativa produzida (2000-2023) sobre a doença falciforme, a fim de fundamentar a categoria analítica - experiência de adoecimento falciforme. Metodologicamente, realizamos um estudo bibliográfico de abordagem qualitativa, com uma análise de conteúdo temática, ancorada no diálogo entre o acervo revisado e os referenciais teórico-conceituais adotados. A análise de conteúdo temática nos levou a oito dimensões interpretativas: cotidianos e itinerários, cuidado, decisões reprodutivas, estigma e suas expressões, gênero, participação, raça e religiosidade. A experiência falciforme emerge relacionada a processos de exclusão, desvalorização, desconhecimento e invisibilização, aliadas fortemente aos componentes de raça em nuances que a distanciam da experiência de adoecimento genérica.

Abstract This article aims to analyze the content of the qualitative production (2000-2023) on sickle cell disease to support the analytical category - the sickle cell disease experience. Methodologically, we conducted a qualitative, bibliographical study with a thematic content analysis anchored in the dialogue between the revised collection and the adopted theoretical-conceptual references. The thematic content analysis triggered eight interpretative dimensions: daily life and itineraries, care, reproductive decisions, stigma and its expressions, gender, participation, ethnicity, and religiosity. The sickle cell experience emerges and is related to exclusion, devaluation, ignorance, and invisibility, strongly allied to race components in nuances that distance it from the generic illness experience.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536540


(analítico) El desplazamiento forzado en Colombia ha sido una realidad compleja que ha generado la vulneración sistemática de los derechos de niños, niñas y adolescentes. Este estudio, enmarcado en el paradigma cualitativo, analizó el currículo vivenciado a partir de las narrativas construidas con 14 estudiantes desplazadas por el conflicto armado, pertenecientes a una institución educativa de Medellín (Colombia). Los métodos de recolección empleados fueron entrevistas semi-estructuradas, diarios personales y fotografías. Se presentan las inter-secciones que se establecen con la escuela, entendida como escenario de y para la construcción de paz, concluyendo en la pertinencia de las propuestas educativas flexibles. Este análisis, hilado desde una perspectiva de género, visibiliza otros modos de existir en la escuela, contribuyendo a la resignificación del currículo para la permanencia de las estudiantes que fueron desplazadas.

(analytical) Forced displacement in Colombia has been a complex reality that has led to the systematic violation of the rights of children and adolescents. This is a qualitative study that analyzed the curriculum in school in Medellin (Colombia) through the narratives constructed with 14 female students displaced by the armed conflict. Semi-structured interviews, personal diaries and photographs were used to gather data. The intersections established with the school as a scenario of and for peace building are presented and the relevance of flexible educational proposals is highlighted. This analysis, carried out using a gender perspective, highlights other modes of existence in the school and also contributes to the re-definition of the school curriculum as a determinant in the permanence of displaced students.

(analítico) A deslocação forçada na Colômbia tem sido uma realidade complexa que tem conduzido à violação sistemática dos direitos das crianças e dos adolescentes. Este estudo, estruturado no paradigma qualitativo, analisou o currículo vivido a partir das narrativas construídas com 14 estudantes desloca-das pelo conflito armado, pertencentes a uma instituição educacional em Medellín (Colômbia). Os métodos de coleta utilizados foram entrevistas semi-estruturadas, diários pessoais e fotografias. São expostas às interseções estabelecidas com a escola, entendidas como um cenário de e para a cons-trução da paz, concluindo sobre a relevância de propostas educacionais flexíveis. Esta análise, fiada a partir de uma perspectiva de gênero, torna visíveis outras formas de existir na escola, contribuindo para a re-significação do currículo para a permanência das alunas que foram deslocadas.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536543


(analítico) Explicar y comprender la forma en que jóvenes escolarizados que han pasado por situaciones de ciberacoso sexual construyen su experiencia social requiere de investigaciones diseñadas desde perspectivas comprensivas. Este artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación cualitativa que incluyó la revisión de fuentes documentales oficiales y de prensa y la aplicación de técnicas mixtas como cuestionarios, entrevistas y el uso de un modelo de investigación acción participativa con estudiantes de educación básica y media de tres colegios públicos de Bogotá ubicados en localidades reportadas con altos índices de acoso escolar. Como hallazgos se resalta la construcción heterogénea de experiencias con estrategias diversas para hacer frente al acoso y tensiones en el ejercicio de derechos. Finalmente, se proponen acciones de prevención desde diferentes subsistemas para hacer frente a estas realidades.

(analytical) Explaining and understanding how school-educated youth who have gone through sexual cyberbullying situations construct their social experience requires research designed from comprehensive perspectives. This article presents the results of a qualitative research that included the review of official and press documentary sources and the application of mixed techniques such as questionnaires, interviews, and the use of a participatory action research model with students of basic and secondary education of three public schools in Bogotá located in localities reported with high rates of bullying. As findings, the heterogeneous construction of experiences with diverse strategies to deal with harassment and tensions in the exercise of rights is highlighted. Finally, prevention actions are proposed from different subsystems to face these realities.

(analítico) Explicar e entender como jovens educados na escola que passaram por situações de cyberbullying sexual constroem sua experiência social requer pesquisas projetadas a partir de perspectivas abrangentes. Este artigo apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa qualitativa que incluiu a revisão de fontes documentais oficiais e de imprensa e a aplicação de técnicas mistas como questionários, entrevistas e o uso de um modelo de pesquisa de ação participativa com alunos do ensino fundamental e médio de três escolas públicas de Bogotá localizadas em localidades relatadas com altos índices de bullying. Como constatação, destaca-se a construção heterogênea de experiências com diversas estratégias para lidar com o assédio e as tensões no exercício dos direitos. Por fim, são propostas ações de prevenção a partir de diferentes subsistemas para enfrentar essas realidades.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-217428


Background: The transgender population is a marginalized social group often targeted for mistreatment and discrimination. This study specifically examined the experiences of transgender people across a range of cate-gories such as: education, employment outcomes, health awareness and mental health status. The study aimed to gain an understanding about the respondents’ unique experiences of discrimination being transgender and health awareness. Materials and Methods: The research applied descriptive qualitative phenomenology design. The study was conducted at Department of Community Medicine, Government Omandurar Medical College and Hospital, Chennai on Trans genders using in-depth interview with an open-ended question semi structured Question-naire after obtaining the informed consent among 4 Transgenders till the data saturation happens. The Tran-scriptions Data were then analyzed using the Colaizzi method. Results: Marginalized socially and economically, Family and peer rejections, Lack of Job opportunities, Con-tinuous rejection and omission leads to Begging and Active Night life (Survival Sex). Health Care Professionals has less knowledge about the transgender health, sex affirmation surgery is still least preferred among doc-tors. NGOs roles are very significant in their quality of life, Periodic medical examination including HIV. Conclusion: Transgender’s and the word are to be transformed as Third Gender. The Social acceptance from the public will do wonders in their life.